Delete truck by ID web service request
POST | /v13/Posting/TruckPosting.svc | Deletes a truck. |
Authorization | Username, Password, & Integration ID | |
SOAP Action | | |
Content Type | text/xml | |
Accept | text/xml | |
URL Params | None | |
Body Params | XML data |
Delete a truck by ID
RequirementsAuthentication requires an account with a valid user name, password, and integration ID that has Truck Posting web service enabled.
The truck ID(s) of the Truck Post being deleted. The ID of the specified posting must belong to authenticated user (Integration ID) or an error will be returned.
Sample Request/Responsecurl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: text/xml' \ --header 'SOAPAction:' \ --data '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v11="" xmlns:web="" xmlns:web1="" xmlns:arr=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <v11:DeleteTrucks> <v11:trucks> <web:IntegrationId>12345</web:IntegrationId> <web:Password>MyPass123!</web:Password> <web:UserName>MyWSUsername</web:UserName> <web1:Trucks> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <arr:int>76766806</arr:int> </web1:Trucks> </v11:trucks> </v11:DeleteTrucks> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>'
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Body> <DeleteTrucksResponse xmlns=""> <DeleteTrucksResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""> <Errors xmlns=""/> </DeleteTrucksResult> </DeleteTrucksResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>