Search for loads

POST /v13/Searching/LoadSearch.svc Searches for loads based on search criteria.

Authorization Username, Password, & Integration ID
SOAP Action
Content Type text/xml
Accept text/xml
URL Params None
Body Params XML data


Load Search



  • For origin and destination, a single state or multiple states are acceptable with a maximum of 15 states each.
    • Origin is required
    • Destination is optional.
  • To search for loads based on Age, specify the age in hours in the ‘HoursOld’ field. If filtering based on Age is not required, specify 0 to return all data.
  • Sort functionality is available to specify a column to sort on and the sort order. The sort column is a specified list of column names. See SortColumns enum . The SortDescending field is a Boolean value that indicates Ascending order when false, and Descending order when true.

Sample Request/Response

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/xml' \
--header 'SOAPAction:' \
--data '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v12="" xmlns:web="" xmlns:web1="" xmlns:truc="" xmlns:arr="">
               <web1:OriginCity>los angeles</web1:OriginCity>
               <web1:OriginState>ca, il, in, mi</web1:OriginState>
                  <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <GetLoadSearchResultsResponse xmlns="">
            <GetLoadSearchResultsResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
                <Errors xmlns=""/>
                        <a:EquipmentOptions xmlns:b=""/>
                        <a:ModeShortDescription i:nil="true"/>