
RMIS (Registry Monitoring Insurance Service)

RMIS provides real-time insurance monitoring and other critical business compliance tracking across multiple industries. RMIS handles a full range of compliance requirements including capturing and monitoring insurance certificates, agreements/contracts, W-9’s, OFAC, profiles, documents and more.


Available RMIS APIs




Delta API

The purpose of the Delta API is to allow brokers to quickly identify newly onboarded and recently updated carriers in their monitored carrier network.


Expanded Carrier API

The purpose of the Expanded Carrier API is to allow brokers to retrieve information about a carrier they are monitoring.


Document API

The RMIS Document API allows RMIS customers to fetch the binary versions of a document for storage in their own system.


Non-Attached Carrier Status API

This API provides a quick summary of a carrier to preview if they are likely to meet a client’s business requirements before attachment


Carrier Invitation API

Allows clients to send invitations to the carriers via API

Sends an invitation email to the carrier using carrier identification information


Carrier Registration Step API

This allows clients with an RMIS onboarding website to quickly determine which step a currently registering carrier is working on.


Onboarding API

The Onboarding API allows a client to provide information about a carrier they would like to attach and attaches the carrier to the client

This API is generally used by clients who wish to utilize their own onboarding process and not use RMIS for onboarding.
