Try it: Here
Node Availability:
All Queries
Update Interval:
The Header node will always accompany a successful call to the RMIS server, even if the result is not successful.
The Result node will show if the API call has a successful result. The API will return a collection of error messages if an error is detected.
The most common error is caused by the caller requesting a carrier that does not exist in the RMIS system, or a carrier that is not attached to the calling client.
The version node will return the version of the API which will determine the nodes returned.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
Timestamp | String | 50 | No | Date/Time of API Reply using RMIS Server Time (Pacific Time Zone) |
API | String | 50 | No | Name of API |
Version | String | 50 | No | Version ID of called API and result format |
Result | String | 50 | No | SUCCESS or ERROR |
Node Availability:
All Queries (some fields excepted, see below)
Update Interval:
Data is updated during the regular course of business, the information in the Carrier section reflects the data in the RMIS system at the time of the query.
The Carrier node contains basic information about the carrier queried.
Certain fields will always contain a value, while other fields will contain a value only if RMIS has acquired the data.
Other fields are only returned if the client/carrier has participated in the RMIS CRS+ program and has completed a profile package as part of an onboarding process with the client and the calling client participates in the CRS+ program.
The Carrier information is sourced either from government sources (eg. FMCSA) or by RMIS through direct acquisition.
Field Name | Data Type | Can be Null? | Description |
CompanyName | String | No | Carrier’s common name |
RMISCarrierID | Integer | No | RMIS unique ID for the carrier |
TaxID | String | Yes | Obsolete. This node will always be blank. |
MCNumber | String | Yes | Unique number for Interstate carriers provided by the US DOT |
DOTNumber | String | Yes | Unique number for carriers provided by the US DOT for Interstate and some Intrastate carriers |
Address1 | String | Yes | Mailing address of carrier gathered either via the US DOT, if the DOT has not mailing address on file, the physical address is used. |
Address2 | String | Yes | |
City | String | Yes | |
St | String | Yes | State Code or Province Code |
Zip | String | Yes | ZipCode or Can Postal Code |
Contact | String | Yes | Primary contact information for carrier |
Title | String | Yes | |
Phone | String | Yes | |
String | Yes | ||
Payto | String | Yes | Remittance Address if provided, typically only available for carriers that have participated in our CRS+ process. |
PaytoAddress | String | Yes | |
PaytoCity | String | Yes | |
PaytoSt | String | Yes | |
PaytoZip | String Yes | ||
ClientsCarrierID | String | Yes | Client’s ID for a carrier mapped into the RMIS System. Can be null if client has not mapped an ID into the system. Some clients may map more than one ID per carrier. The first ID will be shown in this field, but all fields will be shown in the < ClientsCarrierIDs> node. This field is kept for backward compatibility. |
insdIntraStateNumber | String | Yes | State carrier ID for intrastate carrier. Note: not all states provide state IDs. Will always be null for interstate carriers. |
insdIntraStateState | String | Yes | State/Province code for intrastate carrier. Will always be null for interstate carriers. |
DUNs | String | Yes | Carrier’s self reported Dun and Bradstreet ID. (Only provided for carriers participating in selected CRS+ programs.) |
PaytoAddress2 | String | Yes | Remit address line 2 if available. |
PaytoCountry | String | Yes | Remit country code. Usually “USA” or “CAN” |
Contacts | Can be empty but not null | Collection of < Contact> elements. Only provided when carrier has participated in CRS+ program, will otherwise be empty. | |
ClientsCarrierIDs | Can be Empty but not null | Collection of < ClientsCarrierID> elements. Will contain a collection of 0 or many client IDs mapped to this carrier in the RMIS system. |
Carrier > Contacts
Contacts This is a collection of individual Contacts nodes. Typically this will only be provided by carriers that have been through the CRS+ process.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
Contact Type | String | 50 | No | The Type of Contact: eg. CORPORATE, SALES, DISPATCH, etc. |
CompanyName | String | 50 | Yes | Recap of the Company Name for this contact. |
Name | String | 50 | Yes | Full name provided by the contact. |
Title | String | 50 | Yes | |
Phone | String | 50 | Yes | |
Fax | String | 50 | Yes | |
Cell | String | 50 | Yes | |
String | 50 | Yes |
Carrier > ClientsCarrierIDs
ClientsCarrierIDs This is a collection of individual ClientsCarrierIDs nodes. This will be empty if there are no mapped client IDs for this carrier for the client.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
ClientsCarrierID | String | 50 | Yes | Client’s carrier ID, mapped to this carrier, if provided. |
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration, and may be updated later by carrier.
The agreement node will contain the information provided by the carrier during registration or subsequent visits to the site after they have electronically agreed to the document.
The information shown in this node will be the most recent instance the carrier made an agreement. If the client’s CRS+ system contains multiple documents, this refers to the MAIN AGREEMENT ONLY.
Note: RMIS stores historical versions of each agreement including full HTML text of the agreement. This can be accessed via the website only and is not included in the API due to size/performance considerations.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
Date | DateTime | 50 | No | Most recent date/time the carrier has agreed to the main document. |
Contact | String | 50 | No | Corporate Contact Name provided by the carrier. |
Title | String | 50 | Yes | Corporate Contact’s title. |
Agree | String | 50 | No | Whether the carrier agreed to the document. (In most systems the carrier cannot continue with registration if they do not agree.) |
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration, and may be updated later by carrier.
If client has subscribed to IRS TIN Validation, the record can also be updated with validation test results.
The W9 node will contain the W9 information provided by the carrier during registration or the most recently submitted W9 if the carrier updated their W9 after registration.
If the carrier has not provided a W9 this element will be empty:
.TIN Validation is an optional program where RMIS can validate Company Names and Tax ID Numbers (TIN) against the IRS database.
The fields returned by the API closely mimic the fields on the IRS paper W9.
Note: All tax IDs are stored in an encrypted state in the RMIS database. The Tax IDs are decrypted for presentation to the API. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that their system protects this information properly.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
TimeStamp | DateTime | 50 | No | Date/time that the W9 was submitted to RMIS. |
TaxID | Integer | 50 | No | The unencrypted TaxID provided. Note: a user can either provide an SSN or a EIN. Whichever is supplied will be shown in this field. |
CoName | String | 50 | No | Company name provided by the carrier on their W9. This may be different from their DOT company name. Note: for IRS purposes, this is the name that must match the IRS name on the carrier’s tax return. |
BusinessName | String | 50 | Yes | This is the BusinessName or DBA name. This is NOT used for IRS matching purposes. |
CompanyType | String | 50 | Yes | This is the IRS ‘Federal Tax Classification’ such as Individual/sole proprietor, C Corporation, Partnership, etc. |
IsLimitedLiabCo | String | 50 | Yes | True or False |
LimitedLiabTaxClass | String | 50 | Yes | String entered if “Limited liability company” is checked. |
IsExemptPayee | String | 50 | Yes | True or False depending on if “Exempt Payee” is checked on W9 form. |
Address | String | 50 | Yes | Address entered on W9 form. |
City | String | 50 | Yes | |
St | String | 50 | Yes | |
Zip | String | 50 | Yes | |
ContactName | String | 50 | Yes | Matches the contact who completed the online W9. |
TINIsValid | String | 50 | Yes | Available with TIN matching ONLY. Will be true/false. True means that CoName and TaxID match the IRS records. |
TINValidationReason | String | 50 | Yes | Result of test. Will usually be “TIN and Name combination matches IRS records.” When there is a good match. If match fails, will usually be “TIN and Name combination does not match IRS records.” Or “TIN entered is not currently issued.” |
TINCheckedDate | String | 50 | Yes | DateTime RMIS validated the TIN with the IRS. |
TINCheckedBy | String | 50 | Yes | The name of the person or automated process that performed the IRS match. |
TaxClassOther | String | 50 | Yes | TaxClass if provided on W9, usually blank. |
TaxID-EIN | String | 50 | Yes | For systems that require SSNs and EINs to be stored separately. If an EIN is supplied, it will be shown here, and SSN will be blank. |
TaxID-SSN | String | 50 | Yes | For systems that require SSNs and EINs to be stored separately. If an SSN is supplied, it will be shown here, and EIN will be blank. |
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration.
The CarrierProfile node will contain the profile information self-reported by the carrier during CRS+ registration.
The first part of the note will list the ‘flat’ data entered by the carrier, and then the collection type data will be displayed including
(Lane) data,<Modes>
, and<AdditionalFields>
which contain custom data requested by individual customers.Note: Since each customer’s website is developed independently and with different requirements, not all of the fields listed in the API field list will be available for your account. Please consult your website specification to determine if a field is being requested/captured on your registration website.
Note: these values are all self-reported by the carrier.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
YearsInBusiness | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
FlatBeds | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
DryVans | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
RefrigeratedVans | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
RGN | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
StepDecks | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
Maxi | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
DoubleDrops | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
PayeeType | String | 50 | Yes | |
PaymentMethod | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier’s preferred method for receiving payment. |
AccountsPayableContact | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. This data is now usually captured in the Carrier.Contacts node. |
AccountsPayablePhone | String | 50 | Yes | |
DispatchContact | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. This data is now usually captured in the Carrier.Contacts node. |
DispatchPhone | String | 50 | Yes | |
DrAfterHrsContact | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. This data is now usually captured in the Carrier.Contacts node. |
DrAfterHrsPhone | String | 50 | Yes | |
OtherContact | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. This data is now usually captured in the Carrier.Contacts node. |
ExpectFirstMoveTime | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier’s expectation of when the first load needs to move after registration, used in client’s software to prioritize processing. Typical options are: Within 4 Hours Within 24 Hours Greater than 24 Hours |
EmailReceived | String | 50 | Yes | Does carrier consent to receive emails from the client. |
PreferredOrigins | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. Superceded by Operating Areas collection. |
PreferredDestinations | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. Superceded by Operating Areas collection. |
DifficultiesLoadsState | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. Superceded by Operating Areas collection. |
PreferredLanes | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. Superceded by Operating Areas collection. |
CompanyRep | String | 50 | Yes | |
IsSpecialContract | String | 50 | Yes | |
PrimaryEquipmentType | String | 50 | Yes | |
DaysToPay | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. This data is now usually captured in the Carrier.Contacts node. |
Factory | String | 50 | Yes | Does the carrier use a Factoring Company. (Spelling should be Factor, but misspelling is preserved for backward compatibility.) |
SCAC | String | 50 | Yes | |
HasSmartwayCert | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reported certification. |
HasFastCert | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reported certification. |
HasCarbCert | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reported certification. |
HasTwicCert | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reported certification. |
HazMatCertified | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reported certification. |
HazMatExpirationDate | String | 50 | Yes | If carrier self-reports HazMat certification, they will also self-report the expiration date. |
HazMatCertVerifiedByRMIS | String | 50 | Yes | If client subscribes to HazMat verification, RMIS will indicate in this field if the HazMat has been verified via the client does not subscribe, the value will always be false. |
HasSafetyPermitHM232 | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reported certification. |
TractorCount | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
IntermodalTrailerCount | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
TankerTrailerCount | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
BulkTrailerCount | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
OtherTrailerCount | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
MinorityWomanOwned | String | 50 | Yes | Diversity Information: Carrier self- reports if they are a minority or woman owned enterprise. If the carrier reports this, the type will be shown in this field. Example: Woman Owned, Veteran Owned, etc. |
SmallBusinessType | String | 50 | Yes | Diversity Information: Carrier self- reports if they declare themselves to be a Small Business. |
DiversityCertAgency | String | 50 | Yes | If the carrier reports themselves to be minority/woman owned, they can report which agency has certified them. |
SafetyMsgAgreement | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete. Not currently used. |
NoW9 | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reports that they do not require a W9. Only used for clients who have a WC waiver page on their registration. |
WcWaiverDate | String | 50 | Yes | Date that carrier says they do not require WC coverage. Only used for clients who have a WC waiver page on their registration. |
WcWaiverContact | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier contact certifying that carrier does not require WC coverage. Only used for clients who have a WC waiver page on their registration. |
Vans48foot | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
Reefer48foot | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
Vans53foot | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
Reefer53foot | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
CompanyDrivers | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
Teams | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
OwnerOperators | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
HasMexInterchange | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reports that it has Mexican Interchange authority. |
HasCanAuth | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reports that it has Canadian Authority. |
PadWrap | String | 50 | Yes | |
Straps | String | 50 | Yes | |
TriAxleVans | String | 50 | Yes | |
VentedVans | String | 50 | Yes | |
HeatedVans | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
GarmentTrailer | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
SuperVan | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
WalkingFloor | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
OpenTop | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
StraightTrucks | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
CargoVan | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
Hopper | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
Dump | Integer | 50 | Yes | |
HasCTPATCert | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier self-reported certification. |
WcWaiverContact | String | 50 | Yes | Carrier contact certifying that carrier does not require WC coverage. Only used for clients who have a WC waiver page on their registration. |
OperatingArea | XML | See below | ||
Modes | XML | See below | ||
Commodities | XML | See below | ||
CorrectiveActionPlans | XML | See below | ||
AdditionalFields | XML | See below |
Operating Areas
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration.
The OperatingArea node will contain a collection of US States, Canadian Provinces or Mexican States as reported by the carrier.
Each area is listed as a code. Both Truck regions and Intermodal ports/ramps are included, and are identified by code.
The XML will describe a simple collection of each operating area that the carrier selected.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
Area | String | 50 | Yes | Code corresponding to the state, province, ramp, or port selected. |
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration.
The Modes node will contain a collection of transportation modes the carrier identifies that they service.
The XML will describe a simple collection of each mode. Each mode is listed as a code. The description of the code is included here.
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration.
The Commodities node will contain a collection of commodities the carrier identifies that they can carry.
The XML will describe a simple collection of each commodity.
Each commodity is listed as a code. The description of the code is included here.
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration.
The CorrectiveActionPlans node will contain a collection of corrective action plans.
Corrective Action Plans are only captured if
- The client elects to capture them in their registration system
- The carrier fails the business requirements dictated by the client.
If the carrier was required to submit a CAP, it will be shown in this section. The XML will describe a simple collection of each CAP on file.
Section Availability:
Update Interval:
Provided during CRS+ registration.
The AdditionalFields node will contain a collection of ‘additional fields’ which are the mechanism RMIS uses to convey special information requested by a client that is not part of the standard XML result set. Additional fields will only be provided to a client if they are part of the initial registration website specification.
Additional fields will always be in the format below, each special field will be within an
node with a<Description>
field. The description will be the special field, and the value will be the result captured by the website.
Node Availability:
Update Interval:
Certificate data is updated as it is received from a carrier’s insurance producers.
NOTE: RMIS proactively requests certificate updates during new carrier onboarding, and prior to a coverage’s expiration date.
The Coverages node contains the insurance information on file at RMIS for a carrier. It is appropriate to report this information by coverage instead of certificate since the coverage is the actual unit of work, and a carrier’s active coverages can be supplied on multiple certificates from multiple insurance producers (insurance agents).
RMIS will return all ACTIVE coverages on file. Note: active means the most recent coverage on file for that carrier, and does NOT mean that the coverage is IN FORCE. Therefore it is possible that a carrier can have multiple coverages and that some are in force, and others may be expired or canceled.
NOTE: RMIS endeavors to acquire current coverage information for carriers being monitored, however, RMIS is NOT responsible for information it has NOT been sent by a carrier’s producer. Reasons for not receiving updated information include (but are not limited to): RMIS not being informed of a change of producer by a carrier, a producer not sending timely updates of certificate updates, cancellations or renewals, or producers that refuse to send information to third parties.
Starting with version 6 of the API, RMIS will always return records for the 5 major coverages (Cargo, Auto, General, Worker’s Comp and Excess). If the carrier does NOT have one or more of those coverages on file, RMIS will send an EMPTY record for that coverage. This feature helps some client software packages to force that coverage to be shown as missing and helps prevent old coverage data from being displayed. This API behavior can be overridden using the custom argument and setting “ForceCoverage=0”.
The XML result of the coverage node contains:
Coverage Information
Coverage Details (Checkboxes)
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
Coverage Node Header | String | 50 | Yes | The coverage node contains two attributes for easy parsing: CoverageDescription and Status. These are also expressed as nodes within the coverage, and are identical. |
CoverageDescription | String | 50 | No | The type of coverage. Eg. Cargo, Auto, etc. Each carrier will only have ONE active coverage type at a time. |
Status | Integer | 50 | Yes | There are four basic statuses: Valid, Due-To-Expire, No- Current-Info and Empty. |
EffectiveDate | Date | 50 | Yes | The effective date of the coverage. |
ExpirationDate | Date | 50 | Yes | The expiration date of the coverage. |
CancelDate | Date | 50 | Yes | The cancellation date of the coverage, if not cancelled, will be empty. |
PolicyNumber | String | 50 | Yes | The policy number of the coverage. |
Producer | String | 50 | Yes | The Insurance Producer (Insurance Agent) of the coverage. |
ProducerPhone | String | 50 | Yes | |
ProducerFax | String | 50 | Yes | |
ProducerEmail | String | 50 | Yes | |
Underwriter | String | 50 | Yes | The Insurance Company that is providing the coverage. |
Confidence | String | 50 | Yes | A value of “High” or “Low” describes if RMIS believes that this Producer has a history of providing reliable certificate updates, or if the certificate updates are expected to be supplied. |
RMISCertID | String | 50 | Yes | The RMIS internal ID for the host certificate. (Used for troubleshooting.) |
RMISCovgID | String | 50 | Yes | The RMIS internal ID for this coverage. (Used for troubleshooting.) |
LastCertUpdate | Date | 50 | Yes The last date and time RMIS updated this coverage in the RMIS system. | |
ConfidenceMsg | String | 500 | Yes | Information about the confidence of the certificate suitable for displaying in the client’s software. For display purposes only. |
RMISImageID | Integer | 50 | Yes | The unique ID in the RMIS system of the scanned image of the Certificate that hosts this coverage. Clients can use this ID to fetch the image file using the RMIS Image API. |
| Will contain a list of limit records depending on how many limits are listed on the certificate. See description below. | |||
| Will contain a list of Coverage ‘Categories.’ This will contain the collection of checked checboxes within this coverage. |
Coverages > Limits
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
Limit Node Header | String | 50 | No | The limit node contains three attributes for easy parsing: |
LimitDescription | String | 50 | No | The name of the limit as shown on the certificate. Note: Limit descriptions can vary wildly, RMIS will always list the limit AS SHOWN on the certificate. |
LimitAmount | Decimal | 50 | No | Amount of the Limit in US Dollars. If the coverage is empty, the limit will be shown as 0. |
RMISLimitID | Integer | 50 | No | The internal unique ID in the RMIS system for this limit. (Used for troubleshooting.) |
Coverages > CoverageDetail
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
Description | String | 50 | No | The description will describe the value shown on the certificate. This is typically the name of the CHECKBOX on the certificate that is CHECKED or TRUE.
Section Availability:
Update Interval:
RMIS receives updates from the DOT/FMCSA nightly (Monday – Friday) with updates to carrier Authority data.
The DOT node contains information from the DOT/FMCSA “Carrier” record which is used primarily for carrier contact information and authority data (Also called Licensing and Insurance L&I). This data is also useful for cross referencing USDOT# and MC# (Docket Number). This data is passed exactly as is provided by the DOT/FMCSA.
Most of the fields are self-explanatory, any fields with special considerations are noted below.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
dot_DocketNumber | String | 50 | No | MC# / Docket Number |
dot_USDOTNumber | String | 50 | No | US DOT Number |
dot_CommonAuthority | String | 1 | Yes | Common Carrier Authority A = Active N = None * this data is used by RMIS to determine if carrier has current authority |
dot_ContractAuthority | String | 1 | Yes | Contract Carrier Authority A = Active N = None * this data is used by RMIS to determine if carrier has current authority |
dot_BrokerAuthority | String | 1 | Yes | Broker Authority A = Active N = None |
dot_PendingCommonAuthority | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_PendingContractAuthority | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_PendingBrokerAuthority | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_CommonAuthRevocation | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_ContractAuthRevocation | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_BrokerAuthorityRevocation | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_Passenger | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_HouseholdGoods | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_BIPDRequired | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_CargoRequired | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_BondSuretyRequired | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_BIPDOnFile | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_CargoOnFile | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_BondSuretyOnFile | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_AddressStatus | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_DBAName | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_LegalName | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_Business_Addr | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_Business_City | String | 1 | Yes | |
dot_Business_St | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Business_Country | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Business_Zip | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Business_Phone | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Business_Fax | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Mailing_Addr | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Mailing_City | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Mailing_St | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Mailing_Country | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Mailing_Zip | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Mailing_Phone | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_Mailing_Fax | String | 50 | Yes | |
dot_dateLastUpdated | Date | 50 | Yes | The Date/Time that RMIS last received an update for this carrier from the DOT/FMCSA. |
Section Availability:
Update Interval:
Safety and Operating Status data are updated in real time when the RMIS API is called via the FMCSA website.
If the FMCSA website is unavailable/down, the data is fetched from the last known good update from the RMIS database.
RMIS updates all ATTACHED carriers every 24 hours via the FMCSA website (attached means the carrier is currently being monitored with an RMIS client.
RMIS also receives an update of ALL carriers every 30 days from the DOT via their CENSUS file. (Note that the monthly CENSUS file from the DOT can be out-dated by up to 3 weeks.)
The DOTTestingInfo node contains information that helps clients quickly fetch important information regarding DOT safety data, primarily SAFETY RATING and OPERATING STATUS.
NOTE: due to changes in the DOT/FMCSA reporting, many of the fields in this section are obsolete and are no longer provided. They are still displayed in the XML result for backward compatibility purposes.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
VehicleOOS | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
DriverOOS | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
HazmatOOS | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
SafetyRatingDate | Date | 50 | Yes | Rating date as reported by the FMCSA. |
SafetyRating | String | 50 | Yes | Current Safety Rating |
SafetyReviewDate | Date | 50 | Yes | Review date as reported by the FMCSA. |
SafetyReviewType | String | 50 | Yes | Rating type as reported by the FMCSA. |
DriverSEA | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
VehicleSEA | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
SafetyManagementSEA | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
TotalTrucks | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
TotalAccidents | String | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always be empty. |
Ratio | Dec | 50 | Yes | Obsolete, replaced by CSA SMS data. Will always = “0.0” |
OperatingStatus | String | 50 | Yes | Operating status from the FMCSA website. Common values are: |
OutOfServiceDate | Date | 50 | Yes | If the FMCSA has marked a carrier as out of date the OutOfService date will be shown. For carriers that are in service this field will be empty. |
Section Availability:
Update Interval:
FMCSA Safety Measurement System (SMS) data is updated monthly as issued by the FMCSA (
The DOTSMSSafetyCollection node contains information from the FMSCA SMS system.
Field Name | Data Type | Max Size | Can be Null? | Description |
dotSmsSafety_USDotNumber | String | 50 | No | US DOT Number |
dotSmsSafety_InspTotal | Int | 50 | Yes | Inspection Total |
dotSmsSafety_DriverInspTotal | Int | 50 | Yes | Driver Inspection Total |
dotSmsSafety_DriverOosInspTotal | Int | 50 | Yes | Driver Out Of Service Inspection Total |
dotSmsSafety_VehicleInspTotal | Int | 50 | Yes | Vehicle Inspection Total |
dotSmsSafety_VehicleOosInspTotal | Int | 50 | Yes | Vehicle Out Of Service Inspection Total |
dotSmsSafety_UnsafeDrivingPercentile | Dec | 50 | Yes | Unsafe Driving Percentile |
dotSmsSafety_UnsafeDrivingRoadsideAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Unsafe Driving Roadside Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_UnsafeDrivingSeriousViolation | String | 1 | Yes | Unsafe Driving Serious Violation Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_UnsafeDrivingBasicAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Unsafe Driving Basic Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_FatiguedDrivingPercentile | Dec | 50 | Yes | Hours of Service Percentile (Was Fatigued Driving) |
dotSmsSafety_FatiguedUnsafeDrivingRoadsideAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Hours of Service Roadside Alert Y /N (Was Fatigued Driving) |
dotSmsSafety_FatiguedDrivingSeriousViolation | String | 1 | Yes | Hours of Service Serious Violation Y /N (Was Fatigued Driving) |
dotSmsSafety_FatiguedDrivingBasicAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Hours of Service Basic Alert Y /N (Was Fatigued Driving) |
dotSmsSafety_DriverFitnessPercentile | Dec | 50 | Yes | Driver Fitness Percentile |
dotSmsSafety_DriverFitnessDrivingRoadsideAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Driver Fitness Roadside Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_DriverFitnessSeriousViolation | String | 1 | Yes | Driver Fitness Serious Violation Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_DriverFitnessBasicAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Driver Fitness Basic Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_ControlledSubstancePercentile | Dec | 50 | Yes | Controlled Substance Percentile Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_ControlledSubstanceRoadsideAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Controlled Substance Roadside Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_ControlledSubstanceSeriousViolation | String | 1 | Yes | Controlled Substance Serious Violation Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_ControlledSubstanceBasicAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Controlled Substance Basic Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_VehicleMaintPercentile | Dec | 50 | Yes | Vehicle Maintenance Percentile |
dotSmsSafety_VehicleMaintRoadsideAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Vehicle Maintenance Roadside Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_VehicleMaintSeriousViolation | String | 1 | Yes | Vehicle Maintenance Serious Violation Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_VehicleMaintBasicAlert | String | 1 | Yes | Vehicle Maintenance Basic Alert Y /N |
dotSmsSafety_UpdateDate | Date | 50 | Yes | Date RMIS last updated its database from the FMCSA. |
Section Availability:
All - (Off /Hidden by default, can be enabled using custom settings)
Update Interval:
Carrier Census data is updated monthly by the FMCSA.
The DOTCensusCollection node contains information from the DOT Census File.
Note: This data is normally NOT used by our clients using the API. The main exception is the “Rating” field which contains the FMCSA Safety Rating for the carrier. However, this field is already displayed in the
node shown above. It is recommended that clients use the<DOTTestingInfo>
for Safety Rating information.If a client would like to fetch Census information, they can do so using the “&Custom=1&DOTCensus=1” custom URL arguments.
For information about field descriptions, they can be found on the FMCSA website here:
Section Availability:
All - (Off/Hidden by default, can be enabled using custom settings)
Update Interval:
Updated records are sent to RMIS daily (Monday – Friday) by the FMCSA.
The DOTInsuredCollection node contains information from the FMCSA L&I Insurance History dataset.
Note: This data is normally NOT used by our clients using the API. If interested in using this information, please contact support.
Section Availability:
All - (Off/Hidden by default, can be enabled using custom settings)
Update Interval:
Updated records are sent to RMIS daily (Monday – Friday) by the FMCSA.
The DOTActPendInsCollection node contains information from the FMCSA L&I Active Pending Insurance dataset.
Note: This data is normally NOT used by our clients using the API. If interested in using this information, please contact support.