Registration Steps API

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  • RMIS ID/Insured ID - The RMIS specific identifier for a carrier.

API Summary


To allow clients to connect to the RMIS system and view a carriers’ latest registration step via API. This API only allows you to view the latest registration step of carriers for the current day. Rather than checking a Carrier’s most recent registration step via the Client Portal, a client can use this API to view carrier(s) last registration step.

The API is easy to use, and can be called with a web browser or automated with any system that can make HTTP requests.

Calling the Registation Step API


Calling the Registation Step API

The request is a POST request to the base URL:

There are 3 parameters required with this request

  • clientID - The broker-specific RMIS client ID
  • clientPassword - The broker-specific RMIS API Password

Atleast 1 of the below parameters below is required:

  • RMISID - RMIS ID of the Carrier.

  • MCNumber - MC number of the Carrier.

  • USDOTNumber - US DOT number for the carrier.

  • IntraStateNumber - Intrastate number for the carrier.

  • AllActivityForToday = true will search all carriers.

    Example calling a individual carrier by McNumber.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "clientPassword": "ClientPasswordHere",
  "clientID": "1234",
  "MCNumber": "9999777"
  "Message": "Success",
  "HasError": false,
  "ErrorMessage": "",
  "Records": [
      "RMISID": "1697222",
      "CompanyName": "Rmis Test Carrier LLC",
      "MCNumber": "MC9999777",
      "USDOTNumber": "9999777",
      "IntraStateNumber": "",
      "LastStep": "Thank You",
      "UTC_RegistrationDate": "2024-10-15T16:27:21.353Z"

Example of checking the registation status for all carriers for the day.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "clientID": "1234",
  "clientPassword": "ClientPasswordHere",
  "AllActivityForToday": true
  "Message": "Success",
  "HasError": false,
  "ErrorMessage": "",
  "Records": [
      "RMISID": "1697222",
      "CompanyName": "RMIS Test Carrier",
      "MCNumber": "MC9999991",
      "USDOTNumber": "9999991",
      "IntraStateNumber": "",
      "LastStep": "Registration Authorization",
      "UTC_RegistrationDate": "2024-10-15T19:23:55.447Z"
      "RMISID": "1081472",
      "CompanyName": "RMIS Test Carrier #2",
      "MCNumber": "MC9999777",
      "USDOTNumber": "9999777",
      "IntraStateNumber": "",
      "LastStep": "Thank You",
      "UTC_RegistrationDate": "2024-10-15T13:49:01.21Z"


IMPORTANT: This API only allows you to view the latest registration step of carriers for the current day.

Testing Limitations


Testing Limitations: You will need a fully functional RMIS account to test this API.