SellBid | Sell | (pre pickup) (what you offer/quote a shipper, including margin/fuel, but not accessorials) |
SellFinal | Sell | (pre pickup) (what shipper agrees to, including margin/fuel, but not accessorials) |
SellRoutingGuide | Sell | (pre pickup) (contract) |
SellTargetRate | Sell | (pre pickup) (what you’d like to price it to shipper, strategically) |
EditedRate | Posted/Active | (Sourcing capacity) (if it is the same ID as another load, what you changed the rate to; i.e. if you increase rate on load board as pickup date approaches) |
PrivateRate | Posted/Active | (Sourcing capacity) (what you did/would post to private load board or offer to your carrier network) |
PreferredRate | Posted/Active | (Sourcing capacity)(what you would offer to any elevated group of carriers you track, i.e. gold carriers, core network, distribution list) |
PostedRate | Posted/Active | (Sourcing capacity) (Includes posted BIN) (what you did/would post to public load board for) |
OfferedRate | Posted/Active | (Sourcing capacity) (any rate offered from a carrier, or for carrier what you offer/quote to broker) |
BINRate | Tendered Rate | (only after BIN is issued) (what you did/would post for digital freight matching or automation, if different from posted/preferred/private, i.e. if you pass any savings on to carrier; for carrier, what you took/would take for instant/digital/auto rate confirmation/tender) |
TenderedRate | Tendered Rate } | (Rate Con) (what you rate con to carrier, including any repowers; for carriers, what you signed to on rate con) |
InvoicedRate | Paid Rate | (After Delivery) (what carrier invoiced you for the load, if different from Paid Rate; for carriers what you invoiced; REQUIRES you indicate accessorials) |
APRate | Paid Rate | post |
PaymentRate | Paid Rate | (After AP Rate) (what you send to carrier, if it includes any fee for payments, such as quick pay programs; for Carriers payments from factoring companies and pay systems; REQUIRES you indicate accessorials) |