
class RMISCredentials:
    def __init__(self, clientID, password):
        self.clientID = clientID  # Client ID for RMIS API
        self.clientPassword = password  # Client password for RMIS API

class Carrier:
    def __init__(self, rmisId = None, clientId=None, carrierName=None, carrierMC=None, carrierDOT=None, lastUpdated=None):
        self.clientID = clientId
        self.carrierName = carrierName
        self.carrierMC = carrierMC
        self.carrierDOT = carrierDOT
        self.lastUpdated = lastUpdated

#Class to represent a document
class Document:
    def __init__(self, documentType, documentID, carrierID):
        self.documentType = documentType  # Type of the document (e.g., CERTIFICATE)
        self.documentID = documentID  # Unique ID for the document
        self.CarrierRMISID = carrierID  # ID of the carrier associated with the document
        self.documentSizeInBytes = None
        self.documentTitle = None
        self.documentDate = None
        self.documentFileType = None
        self.documentData = None
        self.clientID = None

class Delta:
    def __init__(self, insdID, timestamp):
        self.insdID = insdID  # Carrier's RMIS ID
        self.timeStamp = timestamp  # Timestamp used in the clear call